From San Miguel to Mexico City

Getting from SMA to DF (District Federal) takes about 3 enjoyable and comfortable hours on the luxury bus. The scenery is interesting along the way and the bus is so much more comfortable than an airplane! 

There is so much to see and do in DF and the 4 days and 3 nights we were there just barely scratched the surface. 

We stayed in the Condesa area of the city, which is very upscale, with beautiful parks, bustling cafes and is central to  the rest of the city. We walked around as much as we could but it is the rainy season and there was a whole lot of rain. 

We enjoyed the Turibus tour of the city and rode it for 2 days. We visited 

  • Museo Nacional de Antropología – a must do
  • Contramar Restaurant – one of the most popular restaurants in the city
  • Mr. Sushi – in Colonia Roma
  • La Buena Tierra – in the Condesa
  • Coyuacan 
  • Zocolo 
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